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January 18, 2020

Fitzmaurice Ludlow


John Collins was very helpful and very professional all through a property sale which turned out to be longer and more stressful than expected both by him and us. During the whole process we could rely on him, feeling we were in good hands and he was doing all the right things, the best he could for us. He always kept us updated and not only put... [See More]

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July 11, 2017

Brendan Hanifin & Co.


I have used Brendan Hanifin & Co on several occasions over the past 16 years. He is extremely helpful and professional. I would not hesitate in recommending his services. [See More]

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December 09, 2019

Peter O'Connor & Son


At a difficult time, when it seems that I have lost my voice to speak for my son and I. Peter O'Connor & son stepped in for us, just want to say a big thanks all Peter O'Connor's staffs especially to Melanie Ryan. [See More]

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