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September 10, 2017

Moynihan & Co.


Very professional practice. Aoife is a brilliant solicitor who really takes the time to explain every little detail. Has been great to us down through the years. Would recommend moynihan and co to anyone [See More]

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May 25, 2018

O'Keeffe & Moore


I found O'Keefe & Moore Solicitors to be very approachable, they really listened and understood my situation. They researched the facts and set out clearly what the outcomes of the case might be for me, as things progressed they impressed me with their judgement and persistence, they were in my corner every step of the way. We had a successful outc... [See More]

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January 19, 2020

Colm S. O Riain & Co.


I used Colm on two occasions, first time was buying a house, Colm spotted a few things in the contract which I didn't and it would have cost me about 5k to put right, so thanks be to god he did. The second time was when I was looking at a shop again he was very thorough and he referred me on to someone with greater expertise in this area, I would h... [See More]

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